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My Mission

“Be true to yourself.

Own it. Live it.

Make no apologies.”

Ilonka Lucas


I am Here to Lead an Evolution of Empowered Living

I'm here to support you to create a clear and holistic life vision and teach you  the skills, tools, and knowledge needed to energetically align with it, which empowers you to realise your full potential.


I am a Catalyst for Awkening and Self-Empowerment

It is my purpose to support and mentor you to know your power, to recognize your divine nature, to discover your limitless potential, and to understand that this can only be found within.


I am an Intuitive Intelligence Trainer

I am passionate about empowering you through the release of your subconscious fear patterns and limiting beliefs. By liberating yourself from self-sabotage and procrastination you become an empowered and active creator of your life path.


I am an Alchemist of Knowledge

I am a natural teacher and have a knack for translating complex ideas into easy-to-understand language.


Though there may be “no new ideas,” I am not here to imitate anyone else. I am here to offer the unique alchemy of my accumulated knowledge and life experiences which have created a distinctive voice and expression through me.


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